Cash Collection and Payment

Cash Payment

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1. Introduction

With Cash payment service, DongA Bank will act on behalf of companies to make payments such as commission, agent fee, office rental fee etc. Our service will assist companies in saving time and cost as well as reducing risks when making transaction in cash. 

Product features

  • Cash payment in offices, shops, places indicated by Customers.
  • Cash payment in transaction office of  DongA Bank system.
  • Payment in specified account. 

3. Benefits

  • Money transportation in safe way.
  • Saving of time and noticing of  “Credit note” in quick manner.
  • Reduction of personnel cost, working facilities and management fee. The efficiency of cash management will be improved.
  • Information security of collection- payment
  • Low service charges. 

4. Fees and charges

  • Cash  payment  in Customer's office or places specified by Customer: 0.1% /of disbursement amount. Minimal charge: 300,000- 500,000 dong/once. (Excluding tax)
  • Cash payment in transaction office of DongA bank: 0.05%/ of disbursement amount. Minimal charge: 20,000- 50,000 dong/once. (Excluding tax)
  • Cash payment by credit transfer: Depending on current fees and charges  in each time

*  In each case, fee and minimal fee for collection will be specified.

5. Contacts:

For enquiries or further instructions, please contact:

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