Foreign Currency Non-term Current Account
Your money is still interest earning while you are taking a rest 1. Introduction Foreign currency non-term current account is a safe and high-secure wallet for customers who have demand of foreign currency saving. This deposit account brings you an attractive interest rate, frees you from worry about currency devaluation or risks facing when keeping cash at home. Customers can deposit additional money, party or wholly withdrawing of deposit at any time or using this account as a guarantee and loan guarantee at DongA Bank or as a confirmation of financial ability when study overseas etc. 2. Utilities
4. Fees and Interest rate
Vietnam citizens, Oversea Vietnamese or foreigners from 18 years old onwards, with resident time in Vietnam from 12 months or more, having sufficient legal and civil behavior capability and other individuals as regulated by DongA Bank.
Fill in Deposit slip (as per DongA Bank sample), personal papers (ID, Passport). For enquiries or further instructions, please contact: